Naelan / Naelan rewarded at IT Night 2016

Naelan rewarded at IT Night 2016

During this 6th edition of IT Night, the Night of the Digital Company, a jury composed of ICT professionals has rewarded Naelan with a Bronze price in the “best innovative B2B solutions” category for its KSL Proposal Manager solution.

This category recognizes the best digital innovations of the year (software, applications or hardware products) which improve the performances and results of companies; the criteria were innovation, efficiency, reproducibility and ROI.

Created in 2010, IT NIGHT rewards the best professionals of the ICT sector.

KSL Proposal Manager was awarded by a jury of 20 members, most of them acting as CTO, Purchase Director or General Manager in international companies.

As a reminder, Naelan has created the KSL Proposal Manager solution, a collaborative authoring solution for the creation of proposals and contracts, which allows users from their CRM application to create and deliver more rapidly highly personalized documents. This solution is based on a centralized content repository and a creation web interface. The benefits for your teams: saving time and creating more personalized and legally secured documents, for acquiring more customers.

Automating the drafting of commercial proposals optimizes offers in several ways. Firstly, it drastically reduces the time needed to create proposals by generating documents swiftly from predefined templates, allowing teams to focus on more strategic tasks. This automation ensures consistency and high quality across all proposals by using standardized formats and content, enhancing the overall professionalism and reliability of the documents sent to clients.

Furthermore, the KSL Proposal Manager enables extensive personalization. By easily integrating specific client data, it allows each proposal to be customized without sacrificing efficiency. This personalized approach not only meets clients’ unique needs but also increases the likelihood of successful outcomes. Automation also significantly reduces human errors, ensuring accuracy and boosting the credibility of the proposals.

The KSL Proposal Manager includes robust analytical features, providing insights into the performance of proposals. This enables continuous improvement by identifying strengths and weaknesses, thereby optimizing future offers. Additionally, its integration with other tools such as CRM systems ensures seamless data flow and utilization, further enhancing the effectiveness of proposal creation.

In summary, the KSL Proposal Manager’s automation capabilities streamline the proposal drafting process, enhance personalization, minimize errors, and provide actionable insights, all of which contribute to optimizing commercial offers. Naelan’s innovative solution not only saves time but also helps in creating high-quality, customized, and legally secure documents, ultimately leading to increased customer acquisition and satisfaction.

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