Statements, Invoices, Proposals, Correspondences, Contracts, Notices, Certificates, Payrolls, Labels…
…the business documents touch all the trades within an organization, which they are intended to the customers, that they accompany the sale by the products and services, but also that they are used by the collaborators and the partners. They must all effectively cover waitings of the trades and more largely of the collaborators to the service of the customers and the partners.
Their management deserves of this fact more the great attention. Their design, their production, their distribution but also their conservation falls under a approach of quality, security and traceability. It is within this framework that the various software solutions suggested by Naelan are registered, in a spirit of real partnership and commitment in the duration.
Naelan has the role of accompanying small and large companies, local government agencies and ministries, but also its partners editors and integrators, in creation and the provision of software solutions dedicated to the documentary edition:
- Document output management solution: a cross-department platform for editing business document, adapted to all the branches of industry
- Management of the HR documentary processes: a specialized solution of optimization of the documentary functions for the HR departments.
- Management of the commercial documentary processes: a specialized solution of optimization of the documentary function for the commercial teams and client relationships.